Problem with IRQ sharing and PCI IDE chipsets in 2.4.x kernels

Ricardo Ferreira (
Sun, 21 Oct 2001 03:22:23 +0100


I already sent an earlier message with subject "Problem with 2.4.12" , but
now i looked a bit more into it. I'm having problems burning CDRs in my
machine (an Abit VP6 with two P3-1Ghz and 1GB SDRAM). The process normally
fails with these messages from the kernel:

Oct 21 02:37:27 thor kernel: ide-scsi: CoD != 0 in idescsi_pc_intr
Oct 21 02:37:27 thor kernel: hdk: ATAPI reset complete

This is using 2.4.12 mainly, but i tested with 2.4.8 and 2.4.4 and they both
have the same symptoms.

The CDR drive was first connected to the HPT370 controller which uses the
same IRQ for the two IDE channels (it has an IBM 60GB UDMA100 on the other
channel). I then connected the CDR to my Promise ULTRA66 card on the same
machine (it also shares an IRQ for the two channels) and the same messages
appeared and the burning was aborted. Just to test if it were because of IRQ
sharing i the connected the CDR to the VIA onboard controller (which uses a
distinct unshared IRQ for each channel) and the problem went away. No more
messages or failed burns.

I think i'm forced to conclude something is wrong with the drivers when
sharing IRQs or the hardware doesn't support it (which is impossible because
it always uses the same IRQ for the two channels).

Just for the record, i'm using UDMA66/100 cables to connect all drives. I
still haven't tested a 2.2.x kernel because my cdrecord has to be recompiled
to run under 2.2.

This is driving me nuts. At first i thought the HPT370 was flakey but then it
happened with the Promise also, so it can't be the controller.

Any ideas ?

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