Re: Memory free report error (kernel-2.4.10-ac10)

Doug McNaught (
10 Oct 2001 16:32:18 -0400

Stephen Torri <> writes:

> I have installed and used kernel-2.4.10-ac10 on a SMP system (Dual P3)
> using 768 MB Ram. Yet on startup of the system (RedHat 7.0), the system
> resources are almost all used. Here are the files started:
> Here is the report of the memory (free -m):
> total used free shared buffers cached
> Mem: 751 662 89 0 564 18
> -/+ buffers/cache: 78 672
> Swap: 133 0 133

Unless I'm missing something, this is completely normal. You're using
78M of memory once buffers are factored out. Seems reasonable for a
just-started system.

For comparison, here's a moderately loaded machine running 2.2.19:

[doug@scooby doug]$ free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 505 480 24 137 42 278
-/+ buffers/cache: 159 345
Swap: 101 0 101

Are you actually seeing performance problems or are you just worried
about the 'free' output?


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