Re: Context switch times

Ingo Oeser (
Sun, 7 Oct 2001 15:03:58 +0200

On Sun, Oct 07, 2001 at 12:57:29PM +0300, Mika Liljeberg wrote:
> For problems 1 and 2 I propose the following solution: Insert the the
> load balancing routine itself as a (fake) task on each CPU and run it
> when the CPU gets around to it. The load balancer should behave almost
> like a CPU-bound task, scheduled on the lowest priority level with other
> runnable tasks.

The idle-task might be (ab-)used for this, because it has perfect
data for this.

T_SystemElapsed - T_IdleTaskRun = T_CPULoaded

Balancing could be done in schedule() itself, after checking this
value for each CPU.

> The last bit is important: the load balancer should not
> be allowed to starve but should be invoked approximately once every
> "full rotation" of the scheduler.

If a artificial CPU-hog is used for this task, the idle task will
never be run and power savings in the CPU are impossible.

Other parts sound interesting.


Ingo Oeser

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