Re: Makefile gcc -o /dev/null: the dissapearing of /dev/null

Jan-Benedict Glaw (
Sat, 29 Sep 2001 11:43:04 +0200

On Sat, 2001-09-29 09:55:35 +0200, proton <>
wrote in message <>:

> Ofcourse, you cant unlink /dev/null unless you are root.

That's right and fine so far.

> In any case, the `gcc -o /dev/null' test cases probably
> need to go away.

No. Why? Well, the Linux kernel compiles just fine while
being an ordianary user. You don't have to be root to
compile it. As it's just bad to do usual *work* as root,
you're the bug.

* Don't *
* work *
* with *
* UID root *
* if *
* you *
* don't *
* need *
* to *
* ! ! ! *


Jan-Benedict Glaw . . +49-172-7608481
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