Note that if you're using a raw device backup strategy (ie "e2dump" or
similar), that is expected: 2.4.x up until about 2.4.7 gave _much_ too
much preference to the buffer cache.
That should actually have been fixed in 2.4.8. We used to mark buffer
pages much too active.
> In summary:
>this made both sql and backup double slow. Even increasing memory from
>1G->2G didn't helped. Finally they disabled swap at all and problem
You just hid the problem - by disabling swap the buffer cache couldn't
grow without bounds any more, and the proper buffer cache shrinking
couldn't happen.
Try 2.4.8 or later.
>If you do not want to change it back as it was in 2.2.x then would be
>good if this is tunable somehow.
Tuning for bugs?
What do you want to happen? You want to have an interface like
echo 0 > /proc/bugs/mm
that makes mm bugs go away?
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