unrelated 2.4.x (x=0-9) sound

Samium Gromoff (_deepfire@mail.ru)
Sat, 25 Aug 2001 20:47:02 +0000 (GMT)

hello guys...
this time it is not a crash, just a misfeature... ;)
i`m used to have the following issue:
sound clicks and flakiness while scrolling console
text in mc.

less is also hit by this issue, but this is some
strange: if in mc case _each_ keypress produce
clicks, in less case only the first scrollup
after switching to less` console does...

important detail: it clicks *much* more when
scrolling up (when scrolling down, clicks are quite
hard to realize).

one more important detail: for me it is quite
_annoyingly_ reproducible... ;)

this behaviour is seen by me on two boxes:
p166/24M/Zida 2dvx/s3V+/sb16_genuine
5x86-150/12M/Asus SP4G/trident 512/es688

also the load _while_ playing mp3 _and_ scrolling
is ~60% on p166 (not 100% i mean).

this doesnt depend on the nature of sound, ie
if sound source is plain wav, which doesnt use cpu,
these clicks are here, not more, not less...

something makes me think/remember that this is not
the case on 2.2.x, but i`m far not sure...



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