Re: File System Limitations

Doug McNaught (
23 Aug 2001 20:17:59 -0400

Doug McNaught <> writes:

> Tony Hoyle <> writes:
> > Does it? Unless RH are using a seriously old glibc (which I doubt)
> > there's no 2GB limit any more.
> I just did:
> [doug@abbadon workspace]$ dd if=/dev/zero of=foo bs=1024k count=3072
> 3072+0 records in
> 3072+0 records out
> [doug@abbadon workspace]$ ls -l foo
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 doug doug 3221225472 Aug 23 20:01 foo
> [doug@abbadon workspace]$

I meant to add that this is RH7.1, with updates applied, running


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