Re: massive filesystem corruption with 2.4.9

Alan Cox (
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 17:26:04 +0100 (BST)

> that it is a memory problem i also don't belive. that ram work for over 2 year
> with no errors found with memtest (memtset86, intels memtest) compiling
> seveal times xfree86 and an many many times several kernels.
> and i never had any problems. until i tried the first time a 2.4.x kernel on
> the fileserver (that was 2.4.6). so i moved the fileserver back to 2.2.19.

Nod. I can follow that reasoning, I've come across boxes that fialed with
2.4 with memory errors, but not 2.2. So far however those have all shown up
with memtest86, or been Athlon optimisation triggered via things

Curiouser and curiouser
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