Re: sync hanging

Corin Hartland-Swann (
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 11:29:44 +0100 (BST)

Hi Hans,

On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Hans Reiser wrote:
> Corin Hartland-Swann wrote:
> > I'm using kernel 2.4.8-ac2 on a Dual PIII-1000 with 4096M RAM, and a
> > reiserfs filesystem on a RAID-1 mirror of two 76GB UDMA disks, and I'm
> > experiencing a strange problem after the machine has been running for a
> > while.
> >
> > Every now and again, running sync(1) (i.e. the program) seems to hang and
> > end up in state D (uninterruptible sleep). There is no way to kill it
> > (even with SIGKILL but I assume that this is typical for state D
> > processes.
> >
> > Does anyone have any idea what may be causing this? I have searched the
> > archives and couldn't find anything similar.
> turn off highmem, known bug, I don't know if it is solved yet.

Is 2G RAM OK (by manually changing __PAGE_OFFSET ?)

Is this directly related to reiserfs (i.e. will it go away if I go back to
using ext2 or switch to xfs?)

How serious is the problem? Can I get away with using it as is (with
highmem) on a production server or will that cause serious repercussions?



| Corin Hartland-Swann | Tel: +44 (0) 20 7491 2000 |
| Commerce Internet Ltd | Fax: +44 (0) 20 7491 2010 |
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