Re: [OT?] Re: [PATCH] patch's for vmware 2.0.4 for use with linux-2.4.8

Martin Knoblauch (
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 08:36:18 +0200

Alexander Hoogerhuis wrote:
> I've applied the patch with your fixes, and I've always noticed that
> VMware seem to leak a bit of memory (occording to top and ps). Running
> with 128Mb in a Win2k box it started off at 161Mb process size (140Mb
> RSS) and within 5 minutes it had turned into 203Mb process size (still
> only 140Mb RSS). Have anyone seen similar behavior, and does anyone
> have any pointers to where I can find more info on it?

probably better to ask the vmware folks. They also have some news
groups served from


Martin Knoblauch         |    email:
TeraPort GmbH            |    Phone:  +49-89-510857-309
C+ITS                    |    Fax:    +49-89-510857-111   |    Mobile: +49-170-4904759
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