BUGFIX: UDMA-SiS5513 chipset support

Frank Neuber (frank.neuber@gmx.de)
Sat, 18 Aug 2001 20:23:09 +0200 (CEST)

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recently I did an upgrade of my old computer (ASUS SP97-V) to
the kernel-2.4.7.

My system was crashing even when I load the module ide-disk.o
Because of the broken hardware (some UDMA problems with an non
UDMA-Cabel to the drive) the linux kernel hangs during ide_dma_check.
Even if UDMA is disabeld in the bios, the kernel detect this drive as
an udma drive. And this is wrong!!
My solution was simply to comment out the ide_dma_check in ide.c.
You can find this patch as attachment.


     _/_/_/_/ _//   _/ Frank Neuber
    _/       _/_/  _/  frank.neuber@gmx.de (private)
   _/_/_/   _/ _/ _/
  _/       _/  _/_/    neuber@opensource-systemberatung.de
 _/       _/    // http://www.opensource-systemberatung.de

---2139483686-1497291156-998158989=:1982 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="ide-sis.patch" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96.1010818202309.1982B@mars.private.de> Content-Description: ide-sis.patch

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