Re: [PATCH] processes with shared vm

Terje Eggestad (
Sat, 18 Aug 2001 15:29:23 +0200 (CEST)

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On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Dave McCracken wrote:

> --On Friday, August 17, 2001 22:55:37 +0200 Andi Kleen <> wrote:
> > Even with a tgid you would need some way to avoid its counter wrapping
> > and getting reused.
> While in theory the pid that is used for tgid should never die while the
> thread group exists, this case needs to be handled for thread groups in
> general. The number shouldn't be re-used for a pid as long as it's in use
> as a tgid.

Be careful, I tested by using _clone() dircetly and let a proc A
create two clones B and C. I then let A die, and B &C's ppid was now 1.
Attaching this code, you may find it useful for your tgid patch.
(this code is pretty unclean, ran into the problem that if A cloned B
and B cloned C, and now B died B remained a zombie and I didn't seem to
be able to catch SIGCHLD in A. (wanted to se C's ppid go to 1), probably
something stupid, just didn't bother to pursue it....)

THeory is correct if every one is using pthreads...
(exactly how many thread libs are ut there.....??)

> > Also gtop should display correct results even with the programs
> > that don't use CLONE_THREAD.
> Are there any programs that use CLONE_VM and not CLONE_THREAD?

attached program ;-)
Maybe not, but *the kernel allows it*!

> Actually I think we should make tgid visible in /proc in general because
> it's a useful thing to know, whether it's the right mechanism for gtop or
> not. I'll work up a patch.

Looking forward to it!

> Dave McCracken
> ======================================================================
> Dave McCracken IBM Linux Base Kernel Team 1-512-838-3059
> T/L 678-3059
> -
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Terje Eggestad Scali Scalable Linux Systems

Olaf Helsets Vei 6 tel: +47 22 62 89 61 (OFFICE) P.O.Box 70 Bogerud +47 975 31 574 (MOBILE) N-0621 Oslo fax: +47 22 62 89 51 NORWAY _________________________________________________________________________

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