I have operated Redhat 6.2 based system(kernel 2.4.7) which is Dual CPU and 512M Ram.
A few days ago, this system is down and the messages like below.
Jul 22 14:57:45 www kernel: Kernel panic: CPU context corrupt
Jul 25 19:25:30 www kernel: Kernel panic: CPU context corrupt
Jul 27 23:43:22 www kernel: Kernel panic: CPU context corrupt
this mailling list say that this is CPU Problem(overclocking....but it isn't).
So I changed other CPUs that I think no problem.
But a few days later. kernel panic occured again.
(The system is 2.4.7)
the messages was
Kernel panic:Aiee, killing interrupt handler
In interrupt handler - not syncing
This message is occured when the system's load average is a bit high.
(When I Kernel compile or packing with tar.. somthing like that..)
I searched all lists, But I couldn't find the "reason" and "answer".
I would like to know the reason and answer.
Please give me some advice about these problems.
Thanks for your help.