Re: Who do I post to?

Riley Williams (rhw@MemAlpha.CX)
Tue, 14 Aug 2001 23:42:30 +0100 (BST)

Hi Per.

> PS: is it customary to copy posters on a posting to lkml ? I
> don't mind, but just to avoid flames.

There are arguments both ways, as follows:

FOR: Since the person whose email you're replying to may not be
on the list, you should always reply to the sender as well
as to the list.

FOR: The person you're replying to probably gets a lot of emails
each day, and ignores any not specifically to them, so if
you don't include their name in the To line, they'll never
read it.

NOPE: Anybody who can't be bothered to subscribe to a list they
post a question on obviously isn't interested in the reply.

Personally, I decide based on the content of the email - if it's a
general comment, I'll send it "list only", but if it's something that
I feel the original sender will want to comment on, I include them in
the list as well.

However, one thing I don't do is to blindly reply to everybody the
sender sent it to. If it was originally sent to lists I'm not on,
that's their bad luck, coz they get stripped from the reply list.
Ditto anybody who appears not to be directly concerned with the
comments I'm making.

Best wishes from Riley.

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