Re: Are we going too fast?

Per Jessen (
Tue, 14 Aug 2001 21:47:53 +0200

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001 09:57:29 +0200, Helge Hafting wrote:

>PinkFreud wrote:
>> > Matter of opinion. I would say that Linux-2.4 has been way long to come
>> > and wasn't quite ready for stable status. There are numerous other O/Ses
>> That's what I've been attempting to say, as well. It seems to have been
>> released too quickly - minimal testing, too many bugs.
>The testing isn't minimal - it is merely ongoing. Users don't
>pay for the kernel, so they are part of the testing team.
>If you use anything but a distribution kernel, keep previous
>kernels around when you upgrade. If the new one fails, report
>it here and go back to the previous one. The only way to get wide
>testing is when enough people do this.

Very true, although I get the feeling that the 2.2. series was far more
'stable' than the current 2.4 series. Just a feeling, but ....
What you're saying seems to apply more to a 2.<odd> kernel series, IMHO ?

I haven't done this myself, but perhaps we ought to look at the frequency
of new 2.4 releases compared to new 2.2 releases. Shouldn't their frequency
be roughly equal ? ie. the speed with which we're seeing new 2.4 releases
should be - roughly - that of which we saw new 2.2 kernels emerging ?

comments ?

Per Jessen, Zurich - home of the J1 serial console.

Windows 2001: "I'm sorry Dave ... I'm afraid I can't do that."

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