Re: Is there something that can be done against this ???

Colonel (
Tue, 14 Aug 2001 09:34:52 -0700 (PDT)

In clouddancer.list.kernel, you wrote:
>David Schwartz wrote:
>> > The question is not : "is this script dangerous ?",
>> > but "are you ready to blindly execute a shell script
>> > (or any program) that you receive in your mail ?".
>> Sure, as a user created solely for that purpose, it should be entirely
>> safe.
>How many users are there that use a specific user account to read
>their emails on their Linux workstation ?
>I don't, I use my account to read mails, write documents,
>develop programs,etc. So even if a malicious program does
>not do any arm to the system, it can at least destroy or corrupt my
>own files and I will loose time restoru=ing from last backup and
>rebuilding recently modified files.

Anybody that can think probably does that. First they think that
setting up a test user takes a few seconds, then they think that
restoring from backup takes at least 100x longer....

Windows 2001: "I'm sorry Dave ...  I'm afraid I can't do that."

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