Re: strange gcc crashes...

Josh McKinney (
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 14:26:09 -0500

> > >> so it seems to me like kernel problem...
> > >
> > >why is that? I've never seen a sig11 from production >code
> > >that wasn't caused by flakey ram. in fact, your >descriptions
> > >are a perfect example of similar hardware problems.
> >
> Synthetic tests are never as good as a real good gcc run, I'd *never*
> trust them over the indications given by attempting to compile the kernel
> or something big like XFree86.

I agree. I had my computer mildy overclocked for a little while. Everything
ran just great, I could compile kernels, quake3 timedemo for two days, etc.
All was well until I tried to compile gcc itself and I kept getting random
errors. I finally opened up the case and bumped it back down, and like magic
it compiled just fine.

So my advice would be to don't overclock.

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