Re: Are we going too fast?

Stephen Satchell (
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 10:16:35 -0700

At 02:11 PM 8/13/01 +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> > Should development continue on the latest and supposedly greatest
> > drivers? Or should the existing bugs be fixed first? I've got at least
> > three up there that need taking care of, and I'm sure others on this list
> > have found more. 3 seperate crashes on 3 seperate installs on 3 seperate
> > boxes - that's 100% failure rate. If I get 100% failure on my installs,
> > what are others seeing?
>Near enough 0%. But then I try and avoid buying broken chipsets.

Back in the old 2.0 days there was a couple of HOWTOs that discussed what
hardware worked and didn't work under Linux. I remember using the
Ethernet-HOWTO as a "shopping list" when going to ham fests, "Wierd Stuff",
and similar consignment/surplus/boneyard houses. Have these HOWTOs been

(I've noticed that a number of very, very useful HOWTOs have fallen into
the "unmaintained" category.)

I happen to think that "stories around the campfire" are fine, but with an
OS like Linux we should have the "Campfire FAQ"... :)


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