Re: strange gcc crashes...

Samium Gromoff (
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 15:55:24 +0400

at Aug 11, 01 06:51:15 PM +0000 Mark Hahn wrote:
>> so it seems to me like kernel problem...
>why is that? I've never seen a sig11 from production >code
>that wasn't caused by flakey ram. in fact, your >descriptions
>are a perfect example of similar hardware problems.

and some other people told me about cpu overheating...

but 55 minutes long memtest run showed no problems et al
with cpu (P166-nonMMX-oc`ed to 180) staying warm, not by any means hot
on mobo Zida 5DVX.

maybe 55 min is not enough for proper mem testing?



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