Yes it does, also you should use tasklets, never tq_immediate, these days
(tasklets can run in parallel and they're serialized only against
> IOW I want the irq to "trigger" the freeing of the iovecs but it's ok if
> it's done later, as long as it's done without any races :)
Your design looks suspect, but you can do that safely (at least as far
as vfree is concerned) with keventd's schedule_task().
> BTW how does vfree cope with not walking all tasks pgd's to remove the
> relevant pte's ? Doesn't that give exactly this kind of problem ? (pte's
vfree as usual walks the pgd/pmd to reach the pte. It knows the
pgd/pmd/pte cannot go away and it serlializes against vmalloc with the
vmlist_lock, it sounds ok.
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