I have convinced myself (and probably confused everybody else) that the
right thing is to use "pages_high*2" for the zone_free_plenty() case, and
to use "pages_low" for the "zone_free_shortage()" case.
Basically, with the plenty changes, we have more than high/low water
marks. We have
- low water: this is when allocators start trying to free and/or wake up
others to free. This is a per-zone thing.
zone_free_shortage: zone_free < zone->pages_low
- high water: this is when allocators are happy and we can stop
freeing "on average". This is a global thing.
global_free_shortage: global_free < freepages.high
- "plenty": this is when the freeing logic starts to decide that even if
there's a page to be free'd (and we want to continue to free due to
_other_ zones being low), we're "over the top" as far as this one is
concerned. This is per-zone again.
zone_free_plenty: zone_free > zone->pages_high*2
And note how the "global average" should always be in between the sum of
the local minima and maxima - which is true above, as freepages.high =
Just to take another example: we have the exact same situation on the
inactive page targets too:
- low water: zone->pages_high (per-zone)
- high water: freepages.high + inactive_target (global)
- "plenty": zone->size / 3 (per-zone)
and for inactive pages we've had this for a while now.. Again, the global
high water mark is in between the local low/max marks.
I'm happy.
Just to make sure we're on the same page and are going to test the same
things ;)
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