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On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 05:23:07PM -0700, David Lang wrote:
> I have a 1u box at my des that has two MSI boards in it with 1.2G athlons.
> at the moment they are both running 2.4.5 (athlon optimized), one box has
> no problems at all while the other dies (no video, no keyboard, etc)
> within an hour of being booted.
Somebody told he had the same MoBo already replaced a couple of times ...
> if you have any patch you would like me to test on these boxes let me know
Well, no kernel patches.
But some program which does the K7 optmizied copies and zeroing in userspac=
Strange enough it succeeds on the machine that fails to boot a K7 optimized
So I'm puzzled now.=20
Seems we can trigger problems in kernelspace that we can't have in userspac=
Some problem with non-serialization if an interrupt occurs or something
esoteric like this?
> (I am arranging to ship this one and three others like it that each have
> one working and one failing system in them back to the factory to get the
> MLB swapped out on the one that is failing.
Good luck!
Kurt Garloff <garloff@suse.de> Eindhoven, NL
GPG key: See mail header, key servers Linux kernel development
SuSE GmbH, Nuernberg, DE SCSI, Security
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="test_movntq.c"
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/* test_movntq.c=20
* Program that tests the K7 optimized routines for copying=20
* and zeroing pages (which fail on some MoBos in the kernel).
* gcc -O2 -Wall -g -fomit-frame-pointer -o test_movntq test_movntq.c
* and run on AMD K7!
* (c) Kurt Garloff <garloff@suse.de>, 2001-07-28, GNU GPL
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
#define NR_TESTS 4096
void * fpu_ctx;
double c;
void trigger_fpu ()
double a =3D 4.3;
double b =3D rand()/ (float)RAND_MAX;
c =3D a/b;
void movntq_copy_page0 (void* to, void* from)
//void *d0, *d1;
//printf ("%p <- %p\n", to, from);
asm volatile (
"\n\t prefetch (%0)"
"\n\t prefetch 64(%0)"
"\n\t prefetch 128(%0)"
"\n\t prefetch 192(%0)"
"\n\t fxsave (%3)"
"\n\t prefetch 256(%0)"
"\n\t movl %2, %%ecx"
"\n\t fnclex"
"\n\t1: prefetch 320(%0)"
"\n\t movq (%0),%%mm0"
"\n\t movntq %%mm0,(%1)"
"\n\t movq 8(%0),%%mm1"
"\n\t movntq %%mm1,8(%1)"
"\n\t movq 16(%0),%%mm2"
"\n\t movntq %%mm2,16(%1)"
"\n\t movq 24(%0),%%mm3"
"\n\t movntq %%mm3,24(%1)"
"\n\t movq 32(%0),%%mm4"
"\n\t movntq %%mm4,32(%1)"
"\n\t movq 40(%0),%%mm5"
"\n\t movntq %%mm5,40(%1)"
"\n\t movq 48(%0),%%mm6"
"\n\t movntq %%mm6,48(%1)"
"\n\t movq 56(%0),%%mm7"
"\n\t movntq %%mm7,56(%1)"
/*"\n\t sfence"*/
"\n\t addl $64,%0"
"\n\t addl $64,%1"
"\n\t loop 1b"
"\n\t movl $5, %%ecx"
"\n\t2: movq (%0),%%mm0"
"\n\t movntq %%mm0,(%1)"
"\n\t movq 8(%0),%%mm1"
"\n\t movntq %%mm1,8(%1)"
"\n\t movq 16(%0),%%mm2"
"\n\t movntq %%mm2,16(%1)"
"\n\t movq 24(%0),%%mm3"
"\n\t movntq %%mm3,24(%1)"
"\n\t movq 32(%0),%%mm4"
"\n\t movntq %%mm4,32(%1)"
"\n\t movq 40(%0),%%mm5"
"\n\t movntq %%mm5,40(%1)"
"\n\t movq 48(%0),%%mm6"
"\n\t movntq %%mm6,48(%1)"
"\n\t movq 56(%0),%%mm7"
"\n\t movntq %%mm7,56(%1)"
"\n\t addl $64,%0"
"\n\t addl $64,%1"
"\n\t loop 2b"
"\n\t sfence"
"\n\t fxrstor (%3) \n"
: "r" (from), "r" (to), "i" (PAGE_SIZE/64 - 5), "r" (fpu_ctx)
: "memory", "ecx" );
void movntq_zero_page0 (void* to)
//void *d0;
//printf ("%p <- 0\n", to);
asm volatile (
"\n\t fxsave (%2)"
"\n\t movl %1, %%ecx"
"\n\t fnclex"
"\n\t pxor %%mm0, %%mm0"
"\n\t1: "
"\n\t movntq %%mm0,(%0)"
"\n\t movntq %%mm0,8(%0)"
"\n\t movntq %%mm0,16(%0)"
"\n\t movntq %%mm0,24(%0)"
"\n\t movntq %%mm0,32(%0)"
"\n\t movntq %%mm0,40(%0)"
"\n\t movntq %%mm0,48(%0)"
"\n\t movntq %%mm0,56(%0)"
/*"\n\t sfence"*/
"\n\t addl $64,%0"
"\n\t loop 1b"
"\n\t sfence"
"\n\t fxrstor (%2) \n"
: "r" (to), "i" (PAGE_SIZE/64), "r" (fpu_ctx)
: "memory", "ecx");
void alloc_fpu_ctx ()
fpu_ctx =3D (void*) memalign (256, 1024);
void fill_rand_page (void* mem)
int* ptr =3D (int*) mem;
do {
*ptr =3D rand();
} while (( (char*)(++ptr) - (char*)mem) < PAGE_SIZE);
void* memzero (void* mem, size_t ln)
int* ptr =3D (int*)mem;
int i =3D ln / sizeof(int);
while (i--)
if (*ptr++ !=3D 0) return (void*)ptr;
return 0;
int main ()
void *b1, *b2, *b3; void* err; int i;
srand (5);
alloc_fpu_ctx ();
trigger_fpu ();
b3 =3D b1 =3D (void*) memalign (PAGE_SIZE, (NR_TESTS+1)*PAGE_SIZE);
fill_rand_page (b1);
for (i =3D 0; i < NR_TESTS; i++) {
b2 =3D (void*) ((char*)b3 + PAGE_SIZE);
movntq_copy_page0 (b2, b3);
if (memcmp (b3, b2, PAGE_SIZE)) {
printf ("Error (%i)!\n", i);
exit (1);
movntq_zero_page0 (b3);
if ((err =3D memzero (b3, PAGE_SIZE))) {
printf ("Error! (%i) %p\n", i, err);
exit (2);
b3 =3D b2;
free (b1);
free (fpu_ctx);
return 0;
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