First thank you for your answer. I must enable proxy arp cause I need it with
shaper interface. During configuration in user mode I noticed that kernel
sees shaper device instead of using its device attached (in fact I received
from a lan machine a "IP conflit"): I think that it is more correct to use
the device attached to shaper, for 2 reasons:
1-) shaper is not a "real" interface (I mean directly connected to a wire or
wireless physical interface), while proxy arp sends "ARP REPLY" using
physical devices only.
2-) Proxy arp would become more flexible, also using proxy arp interface:
proxy arp is a great thing, particulary with complex wireless networks. Like
all good thinks I think that we have to keep it under kernel to keep simplify
sysadmin life!
Anyway, there are some applications that need shaper and proxy arp (for
example using a traffic manager behind a firewall).
As I said in my first message, I tested it with 2.4.6 and it "appears" (I
tested it in a very little net) to work well (but I think performance aren't
so well...).
Thank you for your help.
Best regards
Roberto Arcomano
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