Starfire issues

Stephen Frost (
Sat, 14 Jul 2001 18:16:07 -0400

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I've been having some trouble with a starfire I have in that it seems
to drop packets every once in a while for a little bit and then start
up again. Also getting strange kernel messages:

eth2: Increasing Tx FIFO threshold to 320 bytes
eth2: Something Wicked happened! 2049001.
eth2: Increasing Tx FIFO threshold to 336 bytes
eth2: Something Wicked happened! 2049001.
eth2: Increasing Tx FIFO threshold to 352 bytes
eth2: Something Wicked happened! 2048101.
eth2: Increasing Tx FIFO threshold to 368 bytes
eth2: Something Wicked happened! 2049001.
eth2: Increasing Tx FIFO threshold to 384 bytes
eth2: Something Wicked happened! 2049001.
eth2: Increasing Tx FIFO threshold to 400 bytes
eth2: Something Wicked happened! 2049001.
eth2: Increasing Tx FIFO threshold to 416 bytes
eth2: Something Wicked happened! 2049001.
eth2: Increasing Tx FIFO threshold to 432 bytes
eth2: Something Wicked happened! 2048101.
eth2: Increasing Tx FIFO threshold to 448 bytes
eth2: Something Wicked happened! 2049001.
eth2: Increasing Tx FIFO threshold to 464 bytes
eth2: Something Wicked happened! 2049001.
eth2: Increasing Tx FIFO threshold to 480 bytes
eth2: Something Wicked happened! 2049001.
eth2: Increasing Tx FIFO threshold to 496 bytes
eth2: Something Wicked happened! 2049001.

This happens on other interfaces, not just this one. The kernel being
used is stock 2.4.6-ac2. Would the patches you've posted to lkml help?
If so I can give them a shot...



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