Re: 2.4.6-preX, 2.4.6...

Joshua M. Schmidlkofer (
Wed, 11 Jul 2001 12:59:19 -0600

Just to clear up confusion.

No my system does _not_ complete booting, and no this is NOT an X
problem! I just have a dead screen about .5 seconds into the boot


Joshua M. Schmidlkofer wrote:

> I have a strange problem, and I browsed the archives, but I don't see
> it being reported. [God, what's the point.? It's probably far too
> ambiguous to be useful.]
> My System
> HP Vectra VL8, 128 Ram, pIII 500, Matrox G200 [embedded], 2 Twelve-gig
> IDE drives.
> Redhat 7.1 [Although, I don't think it matters]
> I am using 'kgcc' [a.k.a. egcs-2.91.66] for compiling the kernel.
> I have not located exactly [in which patch] the problem began, but if
> try to boot w/2.4.6-preX - 2.4.6, the video goes away. And then it
> seems to lock up the computer. At first I had APGART + DRI +
> MatroxFB. So I removed the FB drivers, and tried again. Same
> problems. So I modularized Agpart, and DRI, [I need them for my X
> config]. No Change. Almost immediatly after 'Uncompressing
> Linux.....' I see a rush of the text across the screen, and then the
> screen flashes, and blinks, and then nothing. I do not even have a
> chance to see anything at all.
> I can't tell what's locking up, I tried a SysRQ, but got nothing. No
> screen. *sigh* I am not equiped to do this over a serial or parallel
> port. I was hoping that someone would have a clue.
> In the mean time, I am expirimenting with different things. [kernel
> config's] I will try to narrow it to a pre-release from 6.
> thanks,
> Joshua
> 2.4.6.config.bz2
> Content-Type:
> application/octet-stream
> Content-Encoding:
> base64

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