RE: [PATCH-2.4.3] scsi logging

Cress, Andrew R (
Tue, 10 Jul 2001 05:40:23 -0700

DG> I would object to point 3). SANE, and to a lesser extent
DG> cdrecord, execute lots of commands that give SCSI check
DG> conditions and would bloat the log and the console with
DG> many serious looking messages. [...]


Would it be possible to recognize & filter the specific errors output by
SANE and cdrecord rather than removing all sg sense errors? Or to ignore
all but certain sense codes unless SG_SET_DEBUG is set?
What I'm most concerned about is to make sure that any media problems on
fixed disks (03/11/00, etc.) don't get missed.

Perhaps something like:
if ((type == disk && (key == MEDIUM_ERROR || key == HARDWARE_ERROR))
|| (sdp->sgdebug > 0))
How about that?


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