Re: [OOPS] network related crash with Linux 2.4

Rainer Clasen (
Tue, 10 Jul 2001 07:19:24 +0200

Am Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 01:51:17PM +0200 schrieb Moritz Schulte:
> I often see my Gateway (Cx486DX4 CPU, 14364K RAM, 124956K Swap)
> running Linux 2.4.[56] crashing (should I test previous
> versions?). These crashes seem related to networking, because they
> happen when trying to access some hosts. Now, the system crashes

this seems to be similar to my oopsen -
see MsgId <>


KeyID=759975BD fingerprint=887A 4BE3 6AB7 EE3C 4AE0  B0E1 0556 E25A 7599 75BD
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