Re: tasklets in 2.4.6

Ville Nummela (
09 Jul 2001 14:39:46 +0300

Ville Nummela <> writes:

> Jeff Garzik <> writes:
> > As I hacked around to fix this, I noticed Andrea's ksoftirq patch
> > already fixed this. So, I decided to look over his patch instead.
> I tried that patch too, but with not so good results: The code LOOKS good to
> mee too, but for some reason it still seems to stuck in looping the tasklet
> code only. btw. I'm trying this on PPC, it might have something to do with
> that.. :)

Stupid is stupid does.. I had used Adreas patch for a wrong kernel version,
and therefore the patch hadn't quite succeeded. The right patch works well
on the PPC too :-)

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