Re: recvfrom and sockaddr_in.sin_port

Chris Wedgwood (
Mon, 9 Jul 2001 06:31:11 +1200

On Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 01:42:28PM -0500, Adam wrote:

so it seem to imply that only tcp packets only are to be passed.
still group "SOCK_RAW" is subset of the PF_INET group (the way
I see it), so from ip(7) man page I should use sockaddr_in
structure, which should be defined in this particular case,
as it ought be for IPPROTO_UDP.

have you dumped the packet contents? presumably its a raw packet,
protocol 6, and the header and such like is returned

i see no reason, for raw packets to fill out sin_port whatoever, it
just doesn't make sense that raw packets have a port


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