linux don't recognize HD>1Gb on Sparc IPX

Rafael Diniz (
Fri, 6 Jul 2001 19:17:59 +0000

I put a 1.2Gb HD on my Sparc IPX but linux kernel recognized only 1Gb.
Can Sparc IPX see more than 1Gb SCSI Hard Drives?

Rafael Diniz
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 Potato(2.2.20-pre1) XFree86-3.3.6
PII 233mhz 96Mb ram
SB16, USR56k, S3 VirgeDX/GX 4Mb vram, CD creative48X
HDa 10.2Gb Quantum HDb 10.2Gb WD
MSX2.0 256k MegaRam 256k Mapper v9938 128k Vram
MSX is the future
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