Hello Alan,
But the reason why i am not doing this right now is that as soon as i
determine that i need to change the bpfcode, i would possibly require
that at that very instant i don't miss the next 2-3 packets
corresponding to the new criteria which are of prime importance. Then
if i take my time in compiling and then attaching the new code in the
manner u have suggested, the kernel might drop those important packets
as during this time the bpfcode is still the old one. So, at that very
instant i detach the bpfcode. This helps me in the way that this is the
fastest way in which i can grab the next 2-3 packets. But this would
possibly provide an inlet for the invalid or not required packets also
to be buffered in the kernel. So, if i have a way that the buffered
packets should be now filtered on the basis of the new bpfcode which i
have attached to the socket, then things will be fine.
Thus this is the reason why i am trying to find the solution for the
case as i have explained it in the previous mail.
If there is some way out for this problem, then please suggest me the
same, as i am in urgent need of a solution for this problem of mine.
PS: Alan, It's a great pleasure to have your mail in my inbox. I have
read your name so much in the kernel code, that seeing your mail seems
like dream come true.
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