Re: Problem with SMC Etherpower II + kernel newer 2.4.2

Francois Romieu (
Wed, 4 Jul 2001 11:19:31 +0200

Florian Schmitt <> ecrit :
> Same problem here, it won't run at all on newer kernels. But it isn't even
> 100% stable in 2.2.x here - on very high network traffic the card stops
> working. In this case, it helps to pull the network plug for a short time,

Could you specify what you mean by "very high network traffic" in terms
of interrupt rate and Mb/s ?
Ftp on full CD content or gross ping -f doesn't kill it under 2.4 here.
autonegociation sucks sometimes.

> then everything goes back to normal. I reduced speed to 10MB, and now it is
> stable at least in 2.2.x.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I even put the card into
> another pci slot with exactly zero effect.

Different switch/cable/*motherboard* ?

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