Re: VM Requirement Document - v0.0

Daniel Phillips (
Tue, 3 Jul 2001 17:04:58 +0200

On Tuesday 03 July 2001 12:33, Marco Colombo wrote:
> Oh, yes, since that PAGE_AGE_BG_INTERACTIVE_MINIMUM is applied only
> when background aging, maybe it's not enough to keep processes like
> updatedb from causing interactive pages to be evicted.
> That's why I said we should have another way to detect that kind of
> activity... well, the application could just let us know (no need to
> embed an autotuning-genetic-page-replacement-optimizer into the kernel).
> We should just drop all FS metadata accessed by updatedb, since we
> know that's one-shot only, without raising pressure at all.

Note that some of updatedb's metadata pages are of the accessed-often kind,
e.g., directory blocks and inodes. A blanket low priority on all the pages
updatedb touches just won't do.

> Just like
> (not that I'm proposing it) putting those "one-shot" pages directly on
> the inactive-clean list instead of the active list. How an application
> could declare such a behaviour is an open question, of course. Maybe it's
> even possible to detect it. And BTW that's really fine tuning.
> Evicting an 8 hours old page may be a mistake sometime, but it's never
> a *big* mistake.

IMHO, updatedb *should* evict all the "interactive" pages that aren't
actually doing anything[1]. That way it should run faster, provided of
course its accessed-once pages are properly given low priority.

I see three page priority levels:

0 - accessed-never/aged to zero
1 - accessed-once/just loaded
2 - accessed-often

with these transitions:

0 -> 1, if a page is accessed
1 -> 2, if a page is accessed a second time
1 -> 0, if a page gets old
2 -> 0, if a page gets old

The 0 and 1 level pages are on a fifo queue, the 2 level pages are scanned
clock-wise, relying on the age computation[2]. Eviction candidates are taken
from the cold end of the 0 level list, unless it is empty, in which case they
are taken from the 1 level list. In desperation, eviction candidates are
taken from the 2 level list, i.e., random eviction policy, as opposed to what
we do now which is to initiate an emergency scan of the active list for new
inactive candidates - rather like calling a quick board meeting when the
building is on fire.

Note that the above is only a very slight departure from the current design.
And by the way, this is just brainstorming, it hasn't reached the 'proposal'
stage yet.

[1] It would be nice to have a mechanism whereby the evicted 'interactive'
pages are automatically reloaded when updatedb has finished its work. This
is a case of scavenging unused disk bandwidth for something useful, i.e.,
improving the interactive experience.

[2] I much prefer the hot/cold terminology over old/young. The latter gets
confusing because a 'high' age is 'young'. I'd rather think of a high value
as being 'hot'.

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