Re: RFC: modules and 2.5

Fang Han (
Tue, 3 Jul 2001 15:48:00 +0800

> If you build the drivers in, but forget to comment out the initrd line in
> /etc/lilo.conf, the machine panics because it tries to load the module for
> something that is already a builtin.
The only way to solve it smothly need to modify the bootloader, When the
bootloader like lilo or grub ( it is more powerful ) can read the module from the root partition directly. Your problem will be sloved.

BTW: Is there any system or tools can patch kernel in binary level, It means
that user doesn't need download the whole kernel RPM or TGZ, It just need
an patch to patch the current kernel's binary. I think it is useful for
novice & end user.



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