Re: NWFS Submitted to Alan Cox

Chris Wedgwood (
Mon, 2 Jul 2001 02:54:18 +1200

On Sun, Jul 01, 2001 at 01:50:00PM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:

> I'm not a file sustem hacker, nor since I work for one vendor the
> appropriate owner for larg chunks of code in some people's eyes. I
> suspect the FSF is a much much better asignee for the code itself

I assume the legal threats that Jeff has experience will follow the
code? Surely before anyone wishes to adopt such a thing they should
get legal advice about the situation?

I would also expect if the FSF are not the assignee (the suggest that
they be is a very good one), then whomever does adopt it might want to
make sure they have some kind of legal representation available should
they need it.

It would be shame to let potentially useful code be left to die for
fear of bully-tactics if their claims are unfounded.

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