Re: getrusage vs /proc/pid/stat?

Dan Kegel (
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 14:20:20 -0700

Pete Wyckoff wrote:
> said:
> > I'd like to monitor CPU, memory, and I/O utilization in a
> > long-running multithreaded daemon under kernels 2.2, 2.4,
> > and possibly also Solaris (#ifdefs are ok).
> getrusage() isn't really the system call you want for this.

I'll buy that. Looks like a lot of unices don't implement that
call fully, and Linux is one of them.

What is the proper way to measure total CPU time used by a multithreaded program?
The only way I can figure to do it is to sum /proc/pid/stat across
the threads of interest (see below). Is this the easiest way,
or am I missing something? (Forgive the C++. I'd recode this in C
if it were for general use.)

========= LinuxTimes.h ==========
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <pthread.h>

Source and test case at

Monitor the CPU usage of a bunch of threads in the same process.
This is a simulation of the system call times()
providing traditional semantics under LinuxThreads.
On e.g. Solaris, you don't need this; you just call the standard times().
class LinuxTimes {
const static int MAXTHREADS = 100;

/// number of threads being monitored
int m_nthreads;

/// fd open to /proc/pid/stat for each thread
int m_proc_pid_stat_fd[MAXTHREADS];

/// make addSelf threadsafe
pthread_mutex_t m_lock;


LinuxTimes() { m_nthreads = 0; pthread_mutex_init(&m_lock, NULL); }

New threads call this to add themselves to the group.
@return 0 on success, Unix error code on failure
int addSelf();

Calculate user and system time accumulated by all threads in group.
Return result in tms_utime and tms_stime fields of given struct tms.
Similar to 'man 2 times' on Solaris (where all CPU time of all threads
is counted as CPU time towards the process).
@return 0 on success, Unix error code on failure
int times(struct tms *buf);

========= ==========

#include "LinuxTimes.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

New threads call this to add themselves to the group.
@return 0 on success, Unix error code on failure
int LinuxTimes::addSelf()
int fd;
char fname[256];
int err = 0;

if (pthread_mutex_lock(&m_lock))
return EINVAL;

if (m_nthreads >= MAXTHREADS) {
err = E2BIG;
} else {
// Under LinuxThreads, each thread has its own pid
sprintf(fname, "/proc/%d/stat", getpid());
fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)
err = errno;
else {
m_proc_pid_stat_fd[m_nthreads++] = fd;

if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_lock))
return EINVAL;

return err;

/* Skip to char after nth whitespace. Returns NULL on failure. */
static const char *skipNspace(const char *p, int n)
while (*++p)
if (isspace(*p) && ! --n)
return p+1;
return NULL;

Calculate user and system time accumulated by all threads in group.
Return result in tms_utime and tms_stime fields of given struct tms.
Similar to 'man 2 times' on Solaris (where all CPU time of all threads
is counted as CPU time towards the process).
@return 0 on success, Unix error code on failure
int LinuxTimes::times(struct tms *buf)
int i;
int nread;

buf->tms_utime = 0;
buf->tms_stime = 0;
for (i=0; i<m_nthreads; i++) {
char scratch[1024]; // FIXME: is that big enough?
int fd = m_proc_pid_stat_fd[i];

// rewind to start of stat file. (Not all /proc entries support this.)
if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET))
return EBADF;

// Read in ASCII data and parse out utime and stime fields
// (see 'man proc')
nread = read(fd, scratch, sizeof(scratch)-1);
if (nread < 50) // FIXME: cheesy
return EINVAL;
scratch[nread] = 0;

// Skip to end of command field
// FIXME: what if executable has ) in its filename? Bleh.
const char *p = strchr(scratch, ')') + 2;

// Skip to utime field
p = skipNspace(p, 11);
if (!p) return EINVAL;
buf->tms_utime += atoi(p);

// Skip to stime field
p = skipNspace(p, 1);
if (!p) return EINVAL;
buf->tms_stime += atoi(p);

return 0;



"A computer is a state machine.
 Threads are for people who can't program state machines."
         - Alan Cox
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