Re: [kbuild-devel] entries wanted

Greg Banks (
Sun, 27 May 2001 12:10:04 +1000

Jaswinder Singh wrote:
> "Alan Cox" <> wrote :
> >
> > Handwriting recognition with fscrib works very well indeed.
> >
> But not in Linux SH , there is so Touch Panel Interface in Linux SH yet :(

I have some code which could become the basis for such a thing.
It's a touch panel driver for the DMIDA but it also has a device-
independent layer which does supersampling, scaling, provides
raw and cooked Linux Input interfaces, and a /proc interface to
allow the calibration app to control the scaling.

Unfortunately I can't release it yet for (ahem) legal reasons.

Anyway the limitation with handwriting recognition is not getting
the data out of the hardware but recognising the sample stream as
characters. This is *difficult*.


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