Re: FD in Kernel 2.4.x

Federico Edelman Anaya (
Fri, 27 Apr 2001 14:35:20 +0000

# ./dklimits 10000
Can open 1020 AF_LOCAL sockets with socketpair
Can open 0 AF_INET sockets with socketpair
Can open 1021 fds
Can open 1021 files
Can poll 1025 sockets
Can bind 1021 ephemeral ports

Dan Kegel wrote:

> Federico Edelman Anaya wrote:
> >
> > Yeah .. I put in /etc/sysctl.conf
> >
> > fs.file-max=16384
> > fs.inode-max=65536
> >
> > But, in 2.4.3 doesn't support fs.inode-max .... :(
> >
> > Dan Kegel wrote:
> >
> > > > How can I increase the FD in the Kernel 2.4.3?
> > >
> > > echo 32768 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max
> > >
> > > See also
> You don't need fs.inode-max under 2.4.
> Can you check something for me? Run the program dklimits.c from
> with argument 10000 and tell me what it prints.
> (Compile it with gcc -DLINUX dklimits.c.)
> - Dan

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