agenda & vtech helio [was Re: [PATCH] Single user linux]

Pavel Machek (
Thu, 26 Apr 2001 21:54:08 +0200


> >>> And UNIX on a phone is pure overkill.
> >>
> >>Quit being a naysayer. UNIX on a PDA is a wet dream.
> >
> > (not that the reviews have been very kind)
> Nor has an official product been released. Reviewing hardware
> and software in open development model before it is officially
> stamped "final release" is unfair to say the least. I follow the
> agenda list and it is a nice piece of hardware and the software

Is there agenda emulator, somewhere? Is there their root filesystem
available for download? [Besides, anyone knows of vtech helio emulator
for linux? Only version I saw was windows...]

I'm running linux on philips velo, which is similar to agenda, and I
guess I could use some of their stuff.

(Anybody knows about support of audio on r39xx companion chip? Or
about voltmeters support?)

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