Re: ramdisk/tmpfs/ramfs/memfs ?

Christoph Rohland (
27 Apr 2001 09:58:47 +0200

Hi Padraig,

On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Padraig Brady wrote:
> 2. Is tmpfs is basically swap and /tmp together in a ramdisk?
> The advantage being you need to reserve less RAM for both
> together than seperately?

tmpfs is ramfs+swap+limits. It is not using ramdisks and is not
related to them.

> 3. If I've no backing store (harddisk?) is there any advantage
> of using tmpfs instead of ramfs? Also does tmpfs need a
> backing store?

Probably yes, since you spare a little bit kernel memory. most of
tmpfs is unconditionally in the kernel for shared mappings. So the
actual CONFIG_TMPFS only adds some small functions to the kernel to
export this to usre space.


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