Re: Can multiple device drivers *share* a PCI bridge?

H. Peter Anvin (
26 Apr 2001 14:10:14 -0700

Followup to: <>
By author: Friedrich Steven E CONT CNIN <>
In newsgroup:
> I have 5 IP modules (Industry Pak I/O) that plug onto an IP carrier. The
> carrier has a bridge that gets found via vendor ID/device ID, but the *sub*
> devices don't show up as distinct pci devices. I'm using the *new*
> approach, i.e., defining a pci_device_id struct that has been initialized
> with vendirID/deviceID pairs I'm supporting.
> When my module loads, the kernel calls my probe routine. If my probe
> routine returns 0, then this pci device is essentially locked to my device
> driver. How can I share that pci device with multiple drivers? My current
> thoughts are to simply make a *unified* driver that supports the various IP
> modules. That unified driver is not a general solution, but it would be ok
> for this project. I'm curious about how to develop a general solution to
> this problem. I believe any user of these IP modules would want to be able
> to mix-n-match IP modules at will, merely adding device drivers, not having
> a unified driver.

A properly designed device should have a separate PCI function (with
its own VID/DID) for each of the subdevices. That's what the PCI
functions are all about. Your device is doing something nonstandard,
so you need a shim device to handle its nonstandard decoding.


<> at work, <> in private!
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