Re: About rebuild 2.4.x kernel to support SMP.

Josh McKinney (
Thu, 26 Apr 2001 15:16:15 -0500

It seems to me that you never installed the new kernel. Try 'make install'
or manually cp'ing the vmlinuz and yourself.

On approximately Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 10:59:44PM +0800, Yiping Chen wrote:
> I know it's not proper ask such question here. But I don't know where can I
> post this question.
> I download RedHat 7.1 last week, and install it in my dual-CPU enviroment.
> I try to rebuild kernel that support SMP in kernel 2.4.2 today , but it
> failed.
> The following is what I did.
> ========================================
> 1. Install Red Hat 7.1 in my dual-CPU environment
> 2. type 'uname -a' , the following is the result:
> Linux lab5-1 2.4.2-2smp #1 SMP Sun Apr 8 20:21:34 EDT 2001 i686 unknown
> 3. cd /usr/src/linux-2.4 (becuase Red Hat link the 2.4.2 kernel source to
> linux-2.4)
> 4. make mrproper
> 5. make menuconfig (set SMP and RTC)
> 6. make dep
> 7. make clean
> 8. make bzImage
> 9. make modules
> 10. make modules_install
> 11. edit /etc/lilo.conf
> 12. run lilo
> 13. reboot, choose new kernel to boot the system, type 'uname -a'
> Linux lab5-1 2.4.2-2 #1 SMP Wed Apr 25 18:56:05 CST 2001 i686 unknown
> My question is why the result of 'uname -r' is not "2.4.2-2smp" , but
> "2.4.2-2"
> Whether I forgot to do something?
> It seems that when we compile the 2.4.2 kernel, it will not use -D__SMP__
> argument now.
> (because I didn't see it in /usr/src/linux-2.4/Makefile, and I didn't see it
> when I did 'make bzImage')
> If someone ever build 2.4.x kernel which support SMP, please teach me how to
> do it.
> Thanks!!
> --------------------------------------------------
> Yiping Chen
> VIA Technologies, Inc.
> LAN Software
> 533 Chung Cheng Road 8F
> Hsin Tien, Taipei
> Taiwan
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