Re: ramdisk/tmpfs/ramfs/memfs ?

H. Peter Anvin (
26 Apr 2001 13:49:05 -0700

Followup to: <>
By author: Bjorn Wesen <>
In newsgroup:
> > 5. Can you set size limits on ramfs/tmpfs/memfs?
> i don't think you can set a limit in the current ramfs implementation but
> it would not be particularly difficult to make it work I think

It's a little more painful than you'd think for the simple reason that
ramfs currently contains no space accounting whatsoever, which
probably is a bad thing. It definitely gave me some serious pause
when I was working on SuperRescue 1.3, since I had no way of
reasonably judging how big my ramfs actually was. The only way I
could get a reasonable idea was rebooting with various mem=


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