Re: 2.2.19 Realaudio masq problem

Xavier Bestel (
25 Apr 2001 22:56:11 +0200

Le 25 Apr 2001 14:52:56 -0400, Dave Mielke a écrit :
> [quoted lines by Whit Blauvelt on April 25, 2001, at 13:38]
> >On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 06:01:05PM -0700, Tim Moore wrote:
> >> Try '# strace /usr/bin/X11/realplay On24ram.asp > log' and see where the
> >> connect fails if you aren't getting specific error messages.
> >
> >Unfortunately this spits out a bunch of stuff and then totally freezes up my
> >KDE 2.1.1 desktop.
> strace writes to standard error, not standard output, by default. Better yet,
> though, use the -o option of strace to direct its output to a file, which
> leaves the standard output streams alone for the aplication being traced.

I didn't follow this thread at all (just caught this last mail), but I
use realplayer8 here, and I actually had to *rmmod* the realaudio
masquerading module to make it stream audio from the internet on a
masqueraded machine. The server is a debian with kernel 2.2.19, does


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