Announce: ECN vendor support page

Jeff Garzik (
Wed, 25 Apr 2001 09:24:23 -0400

To all--

As ECN deployment increases, people are increasingly noticing that some
key web sites are still inaccessible when ECN is enabled.

A Web site has been created to assist with this transition, with two key
features: (1) ECN-related fixes are posted on this Web page, and (2)
vendors whose products are broken are posted on this Web page.

The address is

If you have comments, fixes or updates for this Web page, especially new
links to vendor fixes or acknowledged vendor bugs, please e-mail them to

Jeff Garzik      | You know, I like you Stuart.
Building 1024    | You're not like the other kids
MandrakeSoft     | in the trailer park.
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