[POT] eepro100 crash my 2.4.2smp on Alpha ES40 under network load

Cabaniols, Sebastien (Sebastien.Cabaniols@Compaq.com)
Wed, 25 Apr 2001 14:42:30 +0200


My hardware configuration is:

AlphaServer ES40, 4 cpus, 8 Gigas of RAM

lspci -tv shows the network board as:

Intel Corporation 82557 [ Ethernet Pro 100 ]

The driver is inserted as a module: lsmod shows eepro100 loaded.

The system is Redhat 7.0 with updates and 2.4.2 kernel hand compiled
with egcs-2.91.66.

As long as I do not stress too much the network everything is fine. I can
little files but when I do big transfers: I see on the /var/log/messages:

NETDEV WATCHDOG | eth0: transmit timeout
status 0090 0c00 at xxxxxx/xxxxxx command
wait_cmd_done timeout.

I if instist and launch another transfer, the system freeze, I loose the
console and the
network and I must do a hard reboot.

PS:With 2.2 the problem was fixed by changing the eepro100 driver with the
of donald becker on www.scyld.com, but I can't load it in my 2.4 kernel.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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