Re: [PATCH] Single user linux

Mike A. Harris (
Tue, 24 Apr 2001 09:50:02 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 24 Apr 2001, Roland Seuhs wrote:

>> with multi-user concept, conceptually there should be an
>> administrator to create account, grant permission, etc.
>> no my sister doesn't want that. i bet there are billions of
>> people not willing to learn how to use a computer, they just
>> want to use it.
>> and yes, mobile devices access network.
>KDE2.1.1 comes with a password disabling feature. That means that you can log
>in without password (you have to use KDM). For everything else (ftp, telnet,
>ssh, text-console-login - whatever) you still need the password.

This allows you to do:

5:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty --autologin=mharris tty5

in /etc/inittab at boot time. The only problem with it is if you
upgrade and mingetty gets upgraded the standard mingetty doesn't
grok --autologin so it explodes and respawns until init kills it.

I'm rewriting it to use a config file instead, and might possibly
change the name if Florian doesn't mind.

Mike A. Harris - Linux advocate - Free Software advocate
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Views expressed are my own, not necessarily shared by my employer.

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