Re: [Semi-OT] Dual Athlon support in kernel

Andreas Jaeger (
24 Apr 2001 13:11:01 +0200

Joseph Carter <> writes:

> On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 01:18:57PM +0300, Ville Herva wrote:
> > There's also AthlonLinux and AthlonGCC
> >, but I have no experience with those
> > (I have no Athlon ;( ).
> A warning about agcc, I've discovered that it does not always compile code
> quite the way you expect it. This is unsurprising given it's based on
> pgcc which is known to change alignments on you in ways that sometimes
> break things subtly.
> I do not know if agcc actually can produce code which simply does not work
> as is reported with pgcc (I suspect the alignment differences account for
> many of those cases), but I recall reading in the past few days that agcc
> is not supported for compiling the kernel.
> It also fails to properly compile certain other programs, notably anything
> that includes asm functions. As a result, my own experience suggests you
> consider agcc in the same class as gcc 3.0 at the moment - experimental.
> Hopefully the k7 optimizations that work well will find their way into a
> nice athlon subarch options in standard gcc and agcc won't be necessary.

Note that gcc 3.0 will have support for Athlons, -mcpu=athlon and
-march=athlon are both supported and will do the right thing. For
details you should ask Jan Hubicka who implemented this some time ago,


 Andreas Jaeger
  SuSE Labs
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