Re: i810_audio broken?

Alan Cox (
Tue, 24 Apr 2001 00:02:20 +0100 (BST)

> I was using mpg123 (xmms and c/o does exactly the same)
> if I run it like this Moby sounds very stupid... :)
> [root@whyami mp3]# mpg123 -r 48000 Moby_01.wav.mp3
> unsupported playback rate: 44100
> Audio device open for 44.1Khz, stereo, 16bit failed
> Trying 44.1Khz, 8bit stereo.
> unsupported sound format: 32
> Audio device open for 44.1Khz, stereo, 8bit failed
> Trying 48Khz, 16bit stereo.

Ok so its trying to do the right thing. Can you describe what it sounds like
better ?

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