Re: Can't compile 2.4.3 with agcc

Andrzej Krzysztofowicz (kufel!
Tue, 24 Apr 2001 00:32:52 +0200 (CEST)

> It's known at compile time, but not at preprocessing time, so it can't be
> done with #error. If you can come up with a way of doing it at compile time
> such that:
> 1. It's _guaranteed_ to work when the compiler does align the members
> of the structure as we desire.
> 2. It gives a message sufficiently informative that it prevents further
> such reports getting to l-k.

So maybe make the original error message more informative ?
Just something like:

- extern void __buggy_fxsr_alignment(void);
- __buggy_fxsr_alignment();
+ extern void __BUG__task_struct__data_is_not_properly_alligned__Probably_your_compiler_is_buggy(void);
+ __BUG__task_struct__data_is_not_properly_alligned__Probably_your_compiler_is_buggy();

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